Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Tiger Mom

If you haven't heard of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother you have to be living under a rock, it's the book that every blogger is blogging about and the book that every mother is talking about.  I am reading the book with a group of Moms but my iPad crashed and until I figure out what is wrong with it I have been left with no choice but to read every blog I could find on the book.  It is amazing to me how many of the "westerners" that have written with a great amount of distaste for her parenting style, yes I am one of those parents that always think of self esteem first before I make a decision in regards to my boys, so I am wondering will I join the band wagon of people wagging their finger at Amy Chua, Yale Law Professor and author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother?   So if you are like me and have a huge itch that needs to be scratched by reading just what a Tiger Mother has to say or you haven't heard of the book here is a link to read an excerpt. here  If you would like to listen to an 11 min. interview with Amy Chua you can listen here

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